Sunday 25 January 2015

Marathon day...

Ahh the marathon day, to some, a 26 mile run, but to others a series of films watched one after the other, much more time consuming but a little less energetic.. Personally I prefer the latter.

Today I have gone for the Lord of the Rings trilogy and given that I am spending 9 -10 hours sat on the sofa I thought it was about time I gave you all another post. However as the Lord of the Rings has been around for some years now and most people already have an opinion on it, I felt it was more appropriate to write a review on The Theory of Everything.

I thought this film was amazing, I became very emotionally attached to the characters and felt myself tearing up along side them.

Eddie Redmayne (Stephen Hawking) gave an incredible performance and I 100% support his Oscar nomination. I can't imagine it was an easy part to play as he will have had to avoid over exaggerating/acting in fear of offending people who suffer from MND. In my opinion he played the part flawlessly. Felicity Jones (Jane Hawking) played along side Eddie with another beautiful performance both actors complimented one another which kept the audience engaged and attached to the characters

If I'm honest there isn't much bad I can say about this film, I thoroughly enjoyed going to watch it. I hadn't been aware of the struggles that Stephen Hawking and his family had been through, so it was a great insight and it really made me respect and cherish what I have. I would definitely recommend watching this film.

Thank you all for reading.


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